Friday 2 May 2008

Poecilotheria Regalis is here...

... and I thought the H. Maculata was fast ...

As I mentioned the other day I had a little home ready for him, however when he arrived and I unpacked him into his new home I soon discovered that he was a bit bigger than I was expecting with a legspan of perhaps at least 5cm, not to worry though I did also get a slightly larger pot from ASDA as well (with change from 40 pence..) so set to making a larger house, substrate in, cork in, little bit misting and some holes in the lid and we're all set.

Time to move him

He had other ideas..

Obviously quite enjoying his freedom from his packaging when he was in the post, having a bit stretch of the legs and decided to take a morning run! had the old container right inside the new one with the only gap uncovered where I was using my long tweezers to tempt him gently out, which he did, out and up the side, through the gap before I could get the tweezers out, up the tweezers, up my arm, then turned round, back down and across the table and luckily came to a rest on a table mat. All in about the space of a second.

I thought for a moment of getting the camera to take a picture while he was out on the table but thought better of it and got him quickly into his pot, to which he took off for a couple of laps and settled behind the cork.

So for now his pot is in the Exo Terra warming up a bit, see what hes doing later on hopefully get a photo without stressing him too much then just leave him to it.

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